Integrated improvement project

Our client, one of the deepest gold mines in the world (2.9km), was unable to lift production and improve profitability despite numerous operational interventions over the year. It was running at a massive loss, and consistently struggled to meet mining and production targets, had poor equipment reliability, and labour productivity was well below the industry standard.

OIM Consulting was asked to launch a fully integrated transformation programme which included the following aspects:

01. Shape the culture

02. Build capability

03. Manage the work

04. Improve the work & sustain the improvements

The project was conducted over 12 months and started on the back of a violent strike, resulting from a restructuring and retrenchment process. The bulk of the programme focused on “Building Capacity” which emphasised individual on-the-floor coaching between OIM consultants and front-line leaders. This, in turn, drove team performance and led to operational improvement. The ongoing engagement with front-line leaders and the measurement of operational KPIs ensured the coaching was customised for each individual.


“We’ve seen a remarkable improvement in most production metrics during 2019, resulting from a culmination of initiatives centered around our people – including organisational culture, processes, systems and technical improvement; a process supported by OIM.”

~ Martin Preece – Executive Vide-President Gold Fields

The adoption of OIM Consulting’s “Coaching to PerformanceTM” framework by senior leadership & implemented as a way of working in the mine’s operations has enabled sustainability of performance & increased profitability.

Let us show you how we can dramatically improve your results

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